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FUNTRITION® TALKS PODCAST: Creating Perfect Supplements For Millennials

Published by: 4/16/2024
We are very excited to announce the Launch of our first Spotify podcast, Funtrition Talks!  In this Podcast you will be able to find a space where we will discuss all about the gummy world, the manufacturing processes, their global reach and potential, trends in the market, as well as insights on our day by day at Funtrition ®. On our first episode: Creating Perfect Supplements for Millennials, we will be talking about... yeah, you guessed it, Millennials. Joined by Luisa Carvajal, formulator of Funtrition® and part of the scientific team as well as Michelle Herrera, market research expert.

Millennials are considered a special generation because they lived through the digital boom and globalization from an early age that shaped their personalities to such extent, that it affects their purchasing decisions. It is estimated that this generation represents about 24% of the world´s population, a size larger than Generation X and Baby Boomers (According to Caixa Bank). Millennials are an educated, digitalized, hyperconnected and efficient generation. On this podcast, you will get to know a little bit more about them and their needs as consumers.

When asked about what millennials are seeking in a supplement, Michelle responded: “Millennials see food as their medicine, so they look for supplements that fit perfectly into their lifestyle and want everything to revolve around experiences including stimulating the senses, from the aroma to the packaging. They also look for products with clean labels such as organic, without artificial ingredients or plant-based products. Convenience is fundamental, and they have the advantage of buying from the omnichannel and move perfectly between physical or digital channels, which makes them wiser when making purchasing decisions.”

But what ingredients are Millennials looking for in their products? This question was answered by Luisa: “Millennials are constantly searching for new ingredients that provide them nutritionally and they also seek to feel the essence of these. They seek that in some way, the product tastes like it´s components and that these are the ones that predominate in the nutritional table. For example, some ingredients that we have used for millennial products are extracts of cherry, chamomile, and lemon balm to improve sleep quality”. She then added the importance of a label in a product and how this generation is in constant search for information and are always look for truthfulness in the label through stamps or logos and certifications.
According to Luisa, creating a supplement for millennials represents a challenge. The biggest one being creating developments for specific needs with consumption formats and products that have it "all in one". There is a whole range of different product ideas to develop that meets this need, so it is a challenge to develop one with a variety of ingredients and benefits in just one product. With the topic on the table, Luisa was then asked how scientists at our Inspiration Center in Funtrition® have met these challenges. In response she said: “In science, challenges are faced in two ways. One, is the search for scientific information and the other is through experimentation, and this involves taking risks. This is an important factor on the way to achieving innovative developments. We have a philosophy at work: The worst rehearsal is the one that is not done.”  
Finally, our guests were asked about how they see the future in relation to millennial trends, where are we going? Michelle answered by saying that after the pandemic, a greater need emerged in the consumers to take control of their life and guarantee well-being based on prevention.
After this, goodbyes were exchanged, and the podcast was concluded. Found this article interesting? You should check out our complete podcast on Spotify. Click on the link below to check it out and don´t forget to follow us on our socials: https://open.spotify.com/show/38ALjzDnsNE9APgDAELGRs?si=gT83s--RTGqrsRrv4hLZbg&nd=1